The Future of the Internet and Home Technology

In today’s day and time we use technology for lots of different things. We are attached to our smartphones like they are our lifeline and any new electronic conveniences are more than welcome in our world. Technology advances every day and most of the new and exciting gadgets and gizmos that are being developed, we don’t even know about.

We now are able to control our home security systems by our smartphones and we can move the camera angle of security cameras with them also. Take this and the technology that we have today and imagine it on the next level. Imagine appliances that can be monitored by your smartphone, and almost any appliance, big or small, can have remote controlled functions.

For instance, imagine an oven that detects when your food is finished cooking. It will automatically cut off when the food has reached its temperature, and all you have to do is get your food when it’s done. Think of what this would do for added safety in our homes. There would be no more accidental house fires from something as simple as forgetting to turn your oven off, or any other appliances that produce heat.

There are small sensors that can be placed inside these appliances that will allow them to function at this high technology level. Imagine a refrigerator that can automatically adjust its temperature for each compartment depending on the type of food that is in it. Perfect temperatures for produce and meats, automatically sets itself. They could also detect when any foods inside of the refrigerator have gone out of date. No more having to worry about accidentally using something that is out of date.

This is what our future holds for us, and who can complain? I know I would love to have such smart electronics and appliances, it takes the guess work out of everything. After all we are human and we all make mistakes, maybe the future of technology will help us in not making these mistakes anymore.

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