Steps to avoid the possible risk of shattered glass during thunderstorms

After a week of thunder storm activity, hail stones, damaging winds and even tornados, Brisbane has been bracing itself for some dangerous storm cells over the past week. With record breaking hail stones in Central Queensland, it’s not surprising the authorities are warning residents to prepare themselves for more wild weather conditions. The threat of flying debris, fallen trees and flash floods means Brisbane, Gold Coast and surrounding suburbs need to secure their homes and businesses for what is shaping up to be a wet Spring.

In these super cell storm events where intense rain and strong winds create a combination for disaster, it is invaluable to ensure your property is protected from the risk of broken glass. The ABC News now claims hail as a regular phenomenon across Queensland and the Bureau of Meteorology has raised the risk of a La Niña event from 50% to 70% in the coming months, further highlighting the risks of potential damage around our homes and offices.

While we can’t live in fear, we can be proactive and put sustainable measures in place to protect those we love and the future of our financial investments. A few simple steps can enable us to easily avoid the possible risk of shattered glass, broken windows, flooded homes and offices and ensure the safety of our communities.

Assess the areas surrounding our homes, shopfronts and office buildings

The potential for damage and broken glass during wind gusts and hail is high, making it a priority to assess the areas surrounding our homes, shopfronts and office buildings to ensure there is no potential for dangerous tree or large branch falls. While being close to nature may be essential for our mental health, and majestic trees offer us shade and cooler surrounding environments, it is also essential that we leave a safe distance between large trees and power lines, windows, glass shop frontage, etc. While the Brisbane City Council can not assist with trees on private property, they are the point of call if there are damaged trees on public property areas. Call Energex if a tree has fallen on power lines and call your local phone provider if damage has occurred to phone or TV lines. For private property, there are some great local tree lopping businesses in Brisbane that can assess and remove the risk of falling trees around your home or office minimising the risk of broken or shattered glass.

Securing loose outdoor items

Securing loose outdoor items is a great way to reduce risk of serious damage and injury. Bring outdoor furniture inside, under cover or at least cover it securely with a tarp, and tie down loose shade sails, and anything not attached and secured safely around the perimeter of your home or office areas. Flying shade umbrellas and even outdoor tables have been known to become missiles and a recipe for danger around glass. It’s always surprising to see just how far unsecured items have flown during strong gusts of wind. A few of us may even remember the flying refrigerator during cyclone Tracy. If not, we are sure you remember the flying cow scene from Twister…  While we are not suggesting you tie down your cows, we do encourage you to think critically and avoid unnecessary risks around your home and work.

Check all your windows and glass door frames

Check all your windows and glass door frames to ensure they are fully sealed and watertight. It’s important to keep draughts out that can create pressure that can weaken the structure and glass during wild weather. It’s actually important to avoid being too close to windows and glass doors during dangerous storm cell activity. It could be worth considering safety glass as laminated glass is 2 pieces of glass laminated together and if it breaks, the shards remain together. It is so strong that when the glass breaks, it produces a ‘spider web’ crack pattern instead of breaking into sharp pieces. Not only is it more durable it can even save you on heating and cooling too making it a wise long term investment for your home or office.

Ensure pets have access to a safe sheltering area

Don’t forget your favourite furry family members. Of course it’s better to have your pets safe and warm inside, but we understand this isn’t always possible. So ensure pets have access to a safe sheltering area away from wet weather and flying debris. Consider a Doggie Door or Cat Door for convenience and safety.  GlassNow can easily install a pet door into a suitable door or window, enabling your fur babies a safe haven even if you are not home. Also consider fabric dog collars, harnesses and leads to minimise further damage in case of lightning and electrical storms.

pet door windy outside

Check all drains and guttering

The damage caused by flooding can be irreversible. Check all drains and guttering around your properties for blockages to minimise flooding risks. Leaves and debris from the past windy weather may have lodged and blocked areas also encouraging mosquito breeding grounds in the stagnant water. It is wise to check these areas regularly especially as we head into the warmer summer months around Brisbane and the Gold Coast.  While you are there check your septic systems. It’s important for these systems to have regular maintenance, but any weakness can cause potential disasters during flooding. Look for clogged toilets, slow drains and even strange smells. Call a plumber out if you notice any of these suspicious signs.

Turning valves off during wild storms

The emergency departments suggest we know where mains water, electricity and gas valves are. Turning these valves off during wild storms can be a game changer if disaster strikes. The key here is keep your eye on the weather forecasts and act accordingly. You know it’s not necessary to barricade your homes at the first sound of thunder, but it is important to be prepared. Know where a torch can be located, where some matches and candles can be reached and who to call during an emergency, noting a cordless phone is a safer option to call for help or check on members of the community during storms. It can be safer to not use your computer, laptops, washers and dryers during thunderstorms. Better yet, installing power surge protectors in your home and office offers you and your family extra protection while also offering some protection to the lifespan of your appliances as well.

Avoid open spaces and flood waters

Never drive, walk or ride through flood waters. Actually avoiding any sources of water is wise during storms. Get out of pools, baths, lakes or the ocean. Try to avoid open spaces and seek shelter but never under trees or rocky overhangs on cliffs. Indoors is the place to be when the thunder roars. Removing yourself from harm’s way is your first step when storms hit unexpectedly. Leave any elevated areas and get low to the ground. But remember not to lie flat – crouch low with your head tucked is the safest option. Even concrete walls and floors can be a conduit for lightning due to the metal wires and bars used in the structures and staying away from powerlines and electricity sources is always a good idea.

We are here to help.

Even if you aren’t prepared, WE ARE. With experienced, qualified mobile glaziers, our teams are standing by with fully equipped vehicles available to provide Gold Coast and Brisbane emergency glass repair and glass replacement 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’ve been working with families, body corporates, property managers, shopping centres and schools across Brisbane and the Gold Coast for over 20 years. We can even minimise the paperwork by providing Competitive rates of customers’ claims to the insurers. So whether you need glass replacement for homes, retail outlets or offices, GlassNow can cater to a range of architectural and commercial glazing because we manufacture, supply and install standard and custom glass solutions. For your safety and security, it’s a relief to know we guarantee fast and cost effective glass replacement in your suburb following any emergency breakages.

With more storms predicted in the weeks and months ahead, now’s the time to ensure the safety of your family and community. Stay safe South East Queensland!

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